Polling Arabs in Israel "Palestine" - terror, racism, etc. Did Palestinians Back the Nazis in World War II?' Daily Alert, May 19, 2022. ... from the moment it became evident that the Germans may pass through Egypt and reach Palestine in spring 1942, Palestinian Arabs switched sides. About 78% of the Arab volunteers deserted the British army, often stealing weapons for the purpose of helping the Germans fight the Jews when the time came. Additionally, a survey in 1941 showed that 88% of Palestinian Arabs supported Nazi Germany, while only 9% backed the British Mandate https://www.dailyalert.org/rss/Mainissues.php?id=83999 _ Morris, Benny. "1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War." United States, Yale University Press, p. 21. The Palestinians, Khalil al-Sakakini, a .. Jerusalem educator, jotted down in his diary, "rejoiced [as did 'the whole Arab world'] when the British bastion at Tobruk fell .. to the Germans." One of the first public opi...